Friday, March 23, 2012

Another Look at Canada and a Bowl of Poutine

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Another Look at Canada and a Bowl of Poutine:
Just for a little change in pace, I’m going to switch it up this week at Food Freeway. Instead of featuring a country, I’m going to feature two recipes (one today, one on Wednesday) from countries that we’ve already visited; recipes that are very typical of certain regions.

To get started, today we’re back in Canada, and I want you to try Poutine.

Have you had it before? There’s no recipe required, so to speak, just handful of ingredients.

Here’s what you need (serves 2):

French fries (2-3 cups)

Gravy of your choice (about 1 cup)

Cheese curds (about ½-3/4 cup)

First, put the fries in a bowl. Next, sprinkle the cheese curds over top. Finally, pour the gravy over the fries and cheese. Let the mixture sit for a minute or two, and enjoy!

Make it east-coast by adding ground beef and canned peas – something that people in Prince Edward Island call Fries with the Works – also a favourite dish of my family’s.

If you’re Canadian, or if you’ve ever been up here, what would you say is your favourite quintessential Canadian dish?

Photo Credit: Pierre LaScott

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