Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A Bolognese Sauce to Appease the Grandmother Within


A Bolognese Sauce to Appease the Grandmother Within:

Pot of Bolognese Sauce
I come from stirring stock. That is to say, my people are stirrers. It’s how my grandmother, avó Costa, cooked. She stood facing the stove for hours in her pink housecoat and pink slippers, her tiny pink hand planted on her hip, singing in her thin, reedy voice. She stirred all kind of Portuguese comestibles: spicy stuffing with chunks of homemade chouriço sausage; her famous pink (of course) chicken, rice, and potato soup; and vats and vats of kale soup.
When she grew too old to stir her soups and stews for long, I’d do it...
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