Friday, April 13, 2012

Outside Oslo: A Scandinavian food blog


Outside Oslo: A Scandinavian food blog:
It’s a new month, and a new season for Outside Oslo. After a four-month hiatus, I started writing again last weekend, and I’m back with a renewed focus. I’ve been doing some thinking about Outside Oslo and what it’s really all about. To put it simply, it’s a Scandinavian food blog. When I started it back in September 2009, that’s really what I wanted to make it, but I just wasn’t brave enough to call it what it was. For one, there were already so many food blogs out there–excellent ones, I must add–so why should I think I could start one that people would want to read? Plus, I wanted to explore my Norwegian heritage, and was scared to limit myself to one category too much. But even as I wrote about my Norwegian heritage, I ended up doing most of it in the context of food. So from here on out, I’m calling it what it is: a Scandinavian-inspired food blog.
To kick off a new chapter in Outside Oslo, here’s a look back at a few of my favorite Scandinavian recipes since 2009. Check back again soon for more!
Please remember to check back on Monday morning for a recipe for mazarin torte, or subscribe using the tab on the right to get notices of future posts delivered to your inbox!

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